Forgiveness || Compassion

ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha Bhaktha Sampradāyaṁ

~ Thread extracted from ŚrīPāda Charitrāṁruthaṁ~

"Do not hate anybody in this Creation. All that hatred also reaches Me only. If I am pleased, I will not see merits or eligibility, but you should have the 'satvic' ideas in you to earn My grace." - ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha.

Forgiveness is a virtue which has been silently preached by Lord Datta of yore. When the wrong-doer is forgiven, the tangles of karma are then and there, broken.

A beautiful example of the subtle working of 'Karma' as stated in the Charitrāṁruthaṁ - "Eating meat is prohibited. Suppose a goat is killed, that goat experiences terrible pain at the time of the exit of life. Those painful reactions lie concealed in the airy region. My boy! In the sphere of air, painful reactions and pleasant reactions lie concealed. Good deeds produce joyful vibrating reactions and bad deeds produce agitating reactions. If that killed goat is consumed by one in the company of ten others. The pain experienced by the goat at the time of its exit, lingers in the airy region. That pain causes harm to those ten persons who ate her. On accout of its thought about humans the goat takes the life of a man. These ten persons are born as goats. In this way the results of actions (Karma) ensue. For every action, there would be a corresponding reaction. Therefore, man should cultivate the quality of forgiveness. A saatwic person would not like to eat the flesh of goat, even if he saw it. Even if the goat happened to be the man who ate it, if he forgives and grants it life, the wheel of karma stops."

Compassion is as much an important aspect of Datta Tattwaṁ. Our Guru has recorded the same words, in ŚrīPāda Charitrāṁruthaṁ and in Sat Charita, as well. Unless there is a bond of indebtedness even a dog will not approach you. So if any one approaches you for help, help him if you can. If it is not possible, explain to him about your inability in polite words but, don't display unkind temperament. If you show merciless treatment, I, Who am an indweller of all beings, will also be merciless towards you.

We observe, as per the word of the Guru, the ancient and auspicious Mother Anasuya Vrathaṁ to enhance our own noblity, virtues and thereby raise our own vibrations.

Tvaṁ Dhanyaṁ Vadāmi