Our Culture || Our Dignity

ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha Bhaktha Sampradāyaṁ

~ Thread extracted from ŚrīPāda Charitrāṁruthaṁ ~

"On entering nature, the principles and traditions of nature should be scrupulously observed. I, Who preside over the Pedestal of Dharma issue this decision!" - ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha.

Our Bharatha Bhoomi, Veda Bhoomi is rich in its cultural heirtage. As devotees of Lord Datta, it becomes each one's responsibility to uphold our Dharmic values and our tradition. 'To be traditional' doesn't mean one is not advanced or backward. It is more about identifying ourselves with what we resonate to. Obviously, by nature, each soul resonates to its own roots. Thereby, identifying oneself to one's root(s) is natural. That said, it doesn't matter if we dress ourselves in our traditional attire, or in western attire, keeping up with modern times. But the point to observe is - irrespective of the nature of the dress we adorn ourselves with, 'how respectable we dress' is what that matters most. To sum it all, 'to be respectable and carry our dignity' is what our culture and tradition is about.

It was Satya yuga, when our ancestors observed due rituals and did what they were supposed to do. Ignorance, greed and our attraction to the Western world, has dimmed the Light that originally is.

With the lineage of our Guru(s) in this Bharatha kandam, it is only innate that we strive to bring back the Light that is ours.

Tvaṁ Dhanyaṁ Vadāmi