Indeed a blessing that we are at this timeline to receive 'nectar', in the form of the sacred Text, Charithamrutham.

When felt necessary I can join both sky & earth. All the orbs in the sky are like play balls in My hand.
There is no load which I cannot lift. There is no problem which I cannot solve. There are no boons which I cannot offer. There is no work which I cannot perform.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

As a result of the punya earned in many births, one steps into this 'Pithikapuram agraharam'. It is of unspeakable significance that you are with Me during the period of My incarnation. To experience My power, First, you must become a rigorous spiritual seeker.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

I have incarnated to preach the paths of Dharma, karma, yoga, bhakthi, gnyaana. I am the Sole Truth, Origin of all truths! I am the sole Dharma, the Origin of all dharmas. I am the single Cause creating all causes. Nothing is to be formed in this Creation which is not in My Will.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

I can make a beggar as a king, I can change a king into a beggar also. I will grant whatever a devotee dependent on Me requests. However, I will examine before granting, whether that devotee can retain so much superior power & if he will use his gift for the welfare of the world.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

The entire ethereal region is filled today with the rubbish of verbiage wrongly used. When a person utters a word, he provokes one or two or all three, of the three attributes (sattwa, rajo, tamo gunas). Hence one should be responsible to NOT utter words of profane/bad nature
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

I have got My own accounts. Everyday crores of heaps of punya, diamonds, and ornaments are expended. The purpose of My incarnation is to move the kundalini of the universe. This is yoga rahasya which can be understood only by those who knew the Saandra Sindhu Veda
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

It does not imply that I am not in existence at a particular place merely because I did not reveal Myself. I stay in the annamaya, praanamaya, manomaya, vigyanamaya & aanandamaya kosas. I pervade at all times and at all places.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

Unless there is a bond of indebtedness even a dog will not approach you. So if any one approaches you for help, help him if you can. If it is not possible explain to him about your inability in polite words but, do not display unkind temperament.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

In future My Samardha Sadguru Swaroopam in the Name of Sainath will grace this world. In that avathar, Dheesila Nagaram (present Shirdi) will be the Karma bhoomi and protects the bhaktha jana. This is Truth.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

Some people argue dogmatically whether seed is first or tree is first? However, the Truth remains that there is One Who has been in existence much before both of these. He is the Supreme. He can generate tree from a seed or vice versa according to His Will. Even the Sapta-rishis (the seven sacred sages known for their penance) cannot imagine His inexorable resolve.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

I am the One Who shines with self-effulgence in all dharmas and theories! I am the One Who is perceived by different philosophies according to their preferences, tastes and the paths they follow! As I am independent in all respects and as I am not subject to possibilities or impossibilities I do not have any specified policy. I am the One Who calls with love!
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

I shine with dazzling brilliance in all forms of Gods, Goddesses intrinsically I am the One Who receives all worship through those respective forms! I am the One Who grants grace to all! I am the One Who rushes with a thousand hands to the succor of those who call Me in distress. I am the ancient One Who protects them! I am the real 'I' Who ticks in all creatures as 'I'.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

If you want to remain as an immortal, you must withdraw into yourself (focus inwards). Practise Dhyana. You will be released from the bonds of karma.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

I am the embodiment of all gurus. I am the One present in all states of spiritual pursuit, in the form of 'Satyam, Gnyanam, Ananta Brahmam'.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

'Yad Bhaavam Tad Bhavate'.
I will redeem those in the same bhaava (way) in which they adore Me. This is My resolve!
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

A Golden Pithikapuram attached to the earth with different measurements exists in an invisible state. For ordinary people only the ordinary Pithikapuram on the earth will be visible. Golden Pithikapuram can be seen only by people with yogic insight. Just because one is a resident of Pithikapuram in the physical world, one cannot come to My Samsthan and have darshan. My will is efficacious.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

When the matter related to consciousness is developed in the seeker, he becomes a resident of Golden Pithikapuram, which is purely constructed with consciousness. Those devotees who constantly remember Me can know about it from experience. Irrespective of the great distances they reside, they become residents of Golden Pithikapuram.
I am always easily accessible to them.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

In My presence no action takes place without a cause.
The ways of creation are indeed very strange. It is strange that I who is formless should come before you in human form. It is a wonder that an attribute-less one like Me should be considered by you as having attributes. I am the ancient phenomenon Who teaches you what is gnyaana (wisdom) and what is agnyana.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

I correctly give what is due to each one after measuring and weighing carefully, according to their dharma karmas. A small ray emanating from Me becomes a great yogi or a great siddha. This earth cannot endure even that small ray. Therefore, I conceal Myself in maaya.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

However much you may try, you can comprehend Me only according to the level of your consciousness. When you renounce all dharmas and take refuge in Me, Who exists as your innerself and perform actions in accordance with My instruction, I will shoulder all your loads.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

It is a matter of definite experience that the spiritual pursuers will hear the sound of My footsteps in your house! No action takes place without a cause.
To impart wisdom to the ignorant through My actions, sportive plays and miracles is part of My avataaric programme.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

My devotees tie Me with their bonds of devotion. I am bound by pure care, devotion. I will personally receive the prasaad offered in the houses of My devotees through subtle rays.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

Whoever it may be, if he sincerely chants My Name 'Sripada Vallabha Digambaraa! Datta Digambaraa' I will be easily accessible and bring all auspicious developments.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha

Do not hate anybody in this Creation. All that hatred also reaches Me only. If I am pleased, I will not see merits, but you should have the 'satvic' ideas to earn My grace.
- ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha