ŚrīGuru ŚrīPāda is Paripūrna Yōgavatar »

Siddha Mangala Stotraṁ

It is a well established fact - the greatness of Sree Siddha Mangala Stotraṁ, of which all are aware. But it is a lesser known fact, that this powerful stotra is very deep in meaning.

As stated in Charitrāṁruthaṁ itself, "Saraswathi reveals to us the 'urdhva salilams' (waters of the upper strata) with the rays of Her inner knowledge". There is an inner meaning to the seven srotaswins (streams) mentioned in Vedas."

ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha Himself reveals the inner essence of this very powerful Stotraṁ.

While calmly contemplating on the meaning of each line as it is chanted, the effect is enormous.

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Tad Bhāvaṁ Yad Bhavathe. As is your feeling, so is the result! - ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha.