Expression || Communication

ŚrīPāda ŚrīVallabha Bhaktha Sampradāyaṁ

~ Thread extracted from ŚrīPāda Charitrāṁruthaṁ ~

"The entire ethereal region is filled today with the rubbish of verbiage wrongly used. When a person utters a word, he provokes one or two or all three, of the three attributes (sattwa, rajo and tamo gunas - sobriety, vigour and inertia). As those provoked attributes do not help for good, they exert malefic influence on earth, air, fire, water and sky. As these five elements are polluted everything is polluted and the mind, body and innerself of men are getting polluted. Thereby men are becoming sinful.

There are many ways in this kali yuga to get salvation. Among them, chanting of the Divine Name is the easiest way. When the sacred Name lingers on the tongue, a habit of speaking sacred words would be developed. When reciting the Name, if mind is focused on God, mind also is sanctified. By that, encouragement to perform pious deeds is obtained."

-- As stated in the sacred Charitrāṁruthaṁ, it is very important that devotees of ŚrīPāda observe this Golden Virtue. Let us express our devotion unto Him by heeding to Sri Guru's words. Let us be thoughtful of the words we use in our everyday language. Even for a casual utterance, let our words be only of a natural nature. Let us not add to the pollution of the Etheric Region (Vaayu mandalam), by our careless use of 'verbiage' or words.

Tvaṁ Dhanyaṁ Vadāmi